The Full Monty
Based on the British cult movie, The musical version takes place in Buffalo, USA. After the closure of a steel plant, five out-of-work men concoct a plan to become strippers to raise some much needed money.
The story explores the complexities of pride versus desperation.
PODS brought this hilarious musical to the stage of the Paget Rooms in May 2022.
Fiona Porter-Smith
Musical Director
Ben Davies
Assistant Director
Julia Dyke
Assistant Director
Paul Mellin
Debbie Apollonio
Head Of Design
Andy Bradshaw
Stage Manager
Tim Tyson
Deputy Stage Manager
Kat Jones
Melissa Rabaiotti
Wendy Huxtable McTurki
Publicity & Marketing
Peter Knowles
Publicity & Marketing
Paul Mellin
Finance & Box Office
Bob Tucker
Acting Head Of Musicals
Kim Herniman